Super Diet - Intermittent Fasting

Super Diet - Intermittent Fasting

Meals a day and called intermittent fasting, and sine diet. But, in fact, it is neither one nor the other. This is a very unusual kind of food. There are several schemes intermittent supply, based on the same principle - a conventional interlace regular food supply with pauses of 16 to 24 hours.
Meals a day

(Intermittent power, intermittent fasting diet sine)

    Meals a day - the type of food, not diet.
    Meals a day - eating pause, not starvation.
    What is the intermittent power?
    The use of intermittent power mode.
    Schemes of intermittent power.

Meals a day - the type of food, not diet.

Many are interested in the ability to lose weight with the help of food a day. Perhaps that is why the intermittent power supply (food, food intermittent pauses), often considered the category of diets. Even the name came up - sine diet. The fact that this food helps to lose weight, it is the only similarity with the diets for weight loss. I have an extremely negative attitude towards diet and believe that diet has a much more efficient and simple methods (some of which I wrote in the article How to lose weight without dieting).

What characterizes a diet for weight loss:

    Diets for weight loss is always (!) Have a limited life. By following a diet longer than that is laid, can be harmful to health. And the effect of long-term diet will not be - the body adapts by slowing down the metabolism.
    The result of any diet is extremely difficult to maintain for a long time. Kilograms are returned, even if the calories are lower than before the diet.
    Diets for weight loss is very difficult to observe. Even diets that look simple, are a serious test of will.

I'm talking about more or less adequate diets for weight loss. And there was a harmful diet, which cause serious damage to health (for example, you can easily "put" on the liver protein diet).

All of the above characteristics of the diets do not apply to the intermittent power supply:

    Intermittent power supply can be used to lose weight, if weight loss is your goal. But eating this way, you can not lose weight if you do not need. This is discussed below. Moreover, intermittent power supply helps to gain muscle mass.
    Intermittent power has no time limitation. Addiction (with consequent slowing of metabolism) occurs. So you can at least eat a lifetime without harm to health.
    Unlike any weight loss diet (diet with reduced calorie diets with limited amounts of certain products, mono-diet, and so on. D.), With intermittent power shortage does not occur in any nutrients.
    Intermittent power has considerable flexibility - there are a few schemes of such power, from which it is easy to choose a suitable for you.
    This diet is very easy to observe - much easier than it might seem. The effort will require a minimum, can not be compared with the daily effort of will required for dieting. You can pick up a power mode in which the feeling of hunger in general will not be felt.
    This diet is not only not harmful to health. On the contrary, many studies show that regular food breaks have a positive effect on all body systems.

 That said, I think you will agree with me that the intermittent power supply is not a diet.
Meals a day - eating pause, not starvation.

Fasting - a great way of cleansing, healing and rejuvenation of the body (see the article Use of starvation.). There are different periods of starvation, yet they exceed 24 hours (more in different periods of fasting - Fasting in the article on water). The fact that 24 hours - the time after which the body is switched to another mode comprising endogenous (internal) power. All the time before - starvation is not proper, and the food is a pause.

None of the circuits of intermittent power supply does not imply the rejection of food for a period exceeding twenty-four hours. The various schemes proposed to take a break from food for a period of 16 to 24 hours.

Technically, meals with food pauses different from intermittent (periodic) fasting periods lasting only without meals. But their impact is even more different.

Of course, fasting (especially prolonged fasting) can perform miracles, up to cure "incurable" diseases (such cases enough to find them by accident). At the same time, some advantages can obtain fasting and intermittent feeding mode. As the prevention of diseases, the extension of youth, to achieve and maintain your desired weight and general health, intermittent power gives good results.

Naturally, these results are directly dependent on whether a person lives a healthy lifestyle. Diet food with pauses, in itself, does not impose any restrictions on diet - there could be up to you, is there any useful or harmful products.

Advantageously, the intermittent feeding mode, it may be noted that the food pause transferred easier than fasting, and does not require training, as well as compliance with any restriction thereafter.
By the way, using intermittent fasting to lose weight is also possible. I describe my experience of weight loss with regular (once a week), 2-for-3 day fasting in the article Fasting for weight loss.
What is the intermittent power?

We have found that such a diet is not a diet and intermittent fasting. So what is the essence of intermittent power?

Characteristics of intermittent power:

    The main (and only) a mandatory component of the intermittent diet - regular food breaks, lasting from 16 to 24 hours.
    Food pause assumes the absence of any food or drink except plain water.
    It is extremely important to regularly food breaks. The greatest effect is given regular breaks for food. Observe the frequency and duration of the same food breaks.
    In accordance with various schemes, food pause may be repeated at different intervals - in a day, once a week, once a month, and so forth..
    You can choose the right scheme and stick to it as long as you want. You can start with the rare pauses food (say, once a month), and then go to the scheme with more frequent breaks. The duration of the pause of food can also be changed - starting with 16 hours without eating, you can later extend the "hungry" period of up to 24 hours. Thus, contrary to the title of the article "Power-over-day," breaks in food does not necessarily done in a day. It all depends on the selected scheme (several embodiments will be described in detail below).
    This type of power imposes no restrictions on the number or the composition of the food. This is only a certain diet, which can be combined with any kind of food (omnivore, separate, vegetarianism, veganism, raw food diet, etc.).
    You are not limited to a certain number of meals. In the "not hungry" days you can eat like 2 times a day, eating large portions at a time, and often, in small portions.

The use of intermittent power mode.

Typing in a search engine "Intermittent Fasting", you can find a lot of interesting information about the impact on the body of a diet that includes regular food breaks.

In the Russian-speaking Internet adequate information on the subject is much less (mostly all boils down to disputes about whether it is possible to lose weight with this power mode, or not). But now we have to fill this gap. And about weight loss, of course, also insert its own "two cents".
The use of intermittent power: weight loss.

"I follow intermittent fasting for more than one year.

I miss breakfast every day, and eat in two stages: in the hour of the day and about 8 pm. Then, I'm starving for 16 hours, and start to eat again the next day at one o'clock.

Surprisingly, since I started intermittent fasting, I increased muscle mass (10 pounds, from 205 to 215), decreased body fat percentage (3%, from 14% to 11%), and reduced the amount of time spent on training (from 7.5 hours to 2.5 hours per week per week).

In other words, I am stronger and leaner, but go to the gym less and less of it. "

James Clear

Intermittent power, as I wrote above, makes it possible to lose weight quickly (and get rid of it from the fat, maintaining, and even increasing muscle mass). Now let's see how this happens.

To understand how the intermittent power supply leads to fat loss, you first need to understand the difference between fed and fasted state (it's not as obvious as it seems at first glance).

Satisfied state starts at the beginning of the meal and goes on all the time that your body that food digest and absorb. food digestion time will vary depending on what kind of food, and from your normal diet (ie, from the food to which your body is used).

Fractional food means you eat small portions, which are faster than the larger (1-2 hours, depending on what foods you eat). food digestion time is reduced, and, on a separate feed (it is in food digestion and relieving is "highlight" of separate power supply).

The longest to digest meat - 3-5 hours or longer, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism. If the meat attached carbohydrate-rich side dish (rice, potatoes, pasta or bread), while increasing the digestion of meat. Dairy products and eggs are digested for 2-3 hours. Vegetarian food is digested for 1-2 hours. But raw vegetables and fruit - just 30-60 minutes.

In other words, the well-fed state limited to the time of absorption and assimilation of food. In the fed state, the body fat does not burn because the insulin level in the blood sufficiently high.

After this goes even for some time, during which the body is not busy digesting food, but it's still not hungry state (not the one that is called "fasting"). At this time, the insulin levels are still high, which prevents fat burning. This "intermediate" state ends at 8-12 hours after the last meal (again, depending on the composition of the food).

Only then the level of insulin is reduced by as much, the body began to burn fat. We call this condition - hungry state.

People rarely make long breaks between meals 12 hours. Having to adhere to the intermittent power mode (with food breaks 16 hours or more), many begin to rapidly lose fat stores, no matter what and how much they eat (within reason, of course) and how often to take the food.

Food breaks allow the body to be provided regularly in the state in which he actively burns fat. This does not happen in the normal power mode!
The use of intermittent power: increase in life expectancy.

Scientists have long known that restricting calorie intake prolongs life. However, calorie reduction on a daily basis leads to a constant feeling of hunger and slow down the metabolic rate. Neither one nor the other does not occur when power is interrupted. The body is not in power saving mode (slowing metabolism), when you eat in a day. After a day of starvation, the body gets its usual diet, with the usual amount of calories, and continues to operate normally. Pause for a period of one day - too short to put the body in the energy-saving (and fat-accumulating Smile) mode.

Thus, food during a pause activated many of the same mechanisms as that of a reduced calorie diet.

In other words, the intermittent diet extends life without reducing calories in the "not hungry" days. Without the disadvantages of low-calorie food.
The use of intermittent power: disease prevention.

Food pause gives the rest of the digestive system and the heart. When the energy is spent on digestion, the body sends it to "fix" any "problems", which at other times do not have enough resources. As a result, the risk of cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

"Among my friends, all those who eat in a day, are healthier and clear mind by those who take food daily. Try it for one week and see how you feel. Go to this issue as a scientist, having at their disposal the best laboratories in the world - your own body. "

Leonard Orr, "Drop dead habit"
The use of intermittent power: simplicity.

Living in the intermittent diet, in fact, very simple. In a lot easier than a diet. If you feel difficult to survive without food for 24 hours, you can start with only 16 hours (from the time that you spend in a dream). Skip dinner and breakfast will follow is not difficult for most people. If you do this regularly, this mode quickly becomes a habit.

Unlike a diet, you do not need:

    something specially prepared,
    buy any additional specified foods diet,
    give up your favorite foods, non-diet
    count calories,
    keep track of what and how much you eat during each meal,
    tolerate the constant feeling of hunger.

The use of intermittent power: freedom.

intermittent power Adherence requires you to fanaticism.

Intermittent power supply, unlike most diets or fasting, gives a good result, even if you break the regime from time to time. If you are invited to visit or to a restaurant in the "hungry" day, you can safely go and eat whatever you want. And nothing will happen. You will also feel good about themselves, your figure will not suffer and you will be able to continue to comply with the selected intermittent diet, without any changes.
The use of intermittent power: savings.

By the way, skipping a few meals a week can be good save.
Schemes of intermittent power.

In the description of the intermittent power circuits, I will for the sake of brevity and simplicity to use the word "fast" instead of "food break."

Once again the rules:

    during fasting - not eating anything, drink only water,
    in the rest of the time - we eat as usual.

    The power supply circuit with the daily 16-hour fast.
    Power scheme with a weekly one-day starvation.
    The power supply circuit with three weekly fasts.

The power supply circuit with the daily 16-hour fast.

You choose what time of day is not. The main thing - do not have 16 hours each day. Begins and ends with a 16-hour fasting is necessary every day at the same time. For example: eat from 12:00 to 20:00. Starving from 20:00 to 12:00 the next day.

The power supply circuit with the daily 16-hour fast.

Advantages of the power supply circuit:

    16-hour break in the food is easily tolerated (especially because half of the time has to sleep).
    Such a regime does not prevent lead normal life, lunch and dinner in the company or with your family.
    Daily short starvation quickly get into the habit.

Such a scheme is not for everyone. The main drawback - the daily rejection of breakfast or dinner. A healthy breakfast is especially important for the "Lark". You can shift the timing, for example: eat from 8:00 to 16:00, 16:00 to starving the next morning. But then we need every day to give up dinner and go to bed hungry.

In my opinion, this is not the best scheme. It is the closest thing to a normal diet, since the total number of calories you absorb per day is reduced. To avoid this, you will have to artificially increase the portion (that complicate digestion) or impose additional snacks (which is not always convenient and not always helpful).

There are other options for intermittent supply.
Power scheme with a weekly one-day starvation.

You choose one day a week, which will not take food. As seen in the diagram, in the waking state, you have to starve just 18 hours instead of 24. But if one day (24 hours), though, seems to be too long a period, you can start with a short 20 hour fasts.

If you feel that fast one day each week - this too often, but you still want to practice intermittent power, you can try to fast one day a month.

Power scheme with a weekly one-day starvation.

Advantages of the power supply circuit:

    Psychologically easily refuse to eat just one day a week.
    This design is great for beginners.
    If you have never fasted, after a day spent without food, you will realize that it is not difficult.
    One hungry day a week had virtually no impact on your lifestyle.

The only drawback weekly daily fasting - a relatively low efficiency. If you want to lose weight, it is likely that you will have to add one or two hungry days a week to see results faster.

Perhaps starting with this scheme, you will "get the hang" and want to increase the number of hungry days a week to two or three. As shown in the following diagram.
The power supply circuit with three weekly fasts.

This scheme most closely fits the name "food in a day" (or "fasting through the day").